December 20, 2011

Two Holiday Season Takeaways

It's that time of year.

The time when we get ready to close down 2011 and reflect on what made it awesome, and what needs work for 2012.

And we also find ourselves choosing between the obligatory family gathering or staying home in our pajamas. For some of us, it's not a choice at all.

December 19, 2011

Two-For Recipe Awesomeness -PART II Vegetable Biryani

Is this a holiday-themed recipe?


It's the second installment of a two-recipe post I started earlier this month. Yeah, it's the week before Christmas. That doesn't mean I can't finish my previous post. Why? Because I give myself that permission. ;) Besides, who says you can't make this for the holidays? Live outside the lines for more health and happiness.

December 14, 2011

Natural Moisturizers for Winter Skin

Winter is here!

We all know how that bitter winter wind dries our skin out. Naturally, we slather on facial moisturizer and body lotions, most of which contain any number of toxic chemicals and additives. Our skin in our largest organ. Check the labels on your products. Can you pronounce them? Do you know what they are? If not, rethink where those chemicals are going and what they may be doing on the inside, once they are absorbed.

December 9, 2011

Are You Ready?

15 Days of Fearless Living: free program starts February 1, 2012

15 Days of Fearless Living
Start date: February 1st
Cost: Free
Location: Virtual (as long as you have email)

What are you afraid of?

Being loved?
Leaving a "secure job" to pursue your dreams?
Taking the Leap?

Fear is a universal human experience—it is something we can all relate to, no matter who we are. In the past few years, I’ve overcome many fears including addressing truths about my identity and how I show up in the world. I was also afraid to start my own business, I thought that keeping my feet on the ground and "being realistic" somehow meant I couldn't pursue my dreams and be successful doing it.

I was wrong.

We are all afraid but living without fear is our greatest goal as human beings. 

We actualize our potential when we cast aside our fears and limiting beliefs and do the thing we think we cannot do. Or should not do. Or wouldn’t do--without someone in our corner. I’m in your corner. Let’s see what you’re made of.
“Do something everyday that scares you.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor was ambitious. How about starting with 15 days of Fearless Living?
Join me for this 15-day program to get the encouragement, the support and kick in the BUTT you need to live your life fearlessly.

Each day for 15 days you'll receive readings and challenges via email to inspire you to overcome your blocks to see what you can accomplish when you step outside your comfort zone(s). 

Here are just a few of the challenges you can expect:

1) cook a new food
2) eat no refined sugar for one day
3) describe 15 qualities your ideal partner would possess. If you're already partnered, read that list aloud to him/her/per

Yep. You'll be challenged where it counts in life.

In addition to getting inspiration from me to do all this good courageous work, you’ll have the support of many other people who have taken on this challenge of 15 Days of Fearless Living, just like you--WINNERS in this game called life. Join the online support forum I've created to chat with folks about their fears and the steps they are taking to grab life where it counts—to make the most of the precious moments we are given.

from previous clients:
Dillan is amazing--a great cheerleader to have in your corner. I was trying to lose weight and making healthier life-long eating choices; I ended up getting a totally different result. I learned that food affects so much more than my waistline. My mood was completely elevated during our time together. Dillan helped me realize challenges I was unknowingly dealing with and we worked through them together. I plan to work with Dillan again in the coming months. -C.S.
My new job is treating me well--my coworkers like that I'm independent enough to work on my own. It's also great that I'm on a regular eating pattern now so there's no stress about fitting in healthy meals. I miss our Saturday sessions [since my 6-month program ended] but since I saw Dillan several months ago, I've lost over 8lbs! -S.P.

This group is open to anyone on the LGBTQ spectrum including the hetero allies who support us each day in big and small ways. We'll be addressing the issues that we face as we search for solutions to live out, proud and FEARLESSLY. xo, Dillan

December 5, 2011

Two-For Recipe Awesomeness - Indian Chickpeas (from Kripalu!)

That's right, my dears!

Two recipes split into two blog posts--you will have to stay tuned for PART II.

I am posting these together because, quite frankly, they go really well together. Biryani is a delicious spin on plain old rice and chickpeas with spices in coconut milk? Heck, yeah!

An Open Letter to Myself circa 2006 -- "Being Transgender is a Process, Not a Finish Line"

Hey there.
I am writing this because you will get it. You will understand now. Because you're older and wiser and your Buddhist practice has helped you come to fully understand the concept of karma. Many people understand/misinterpret it as "punishment" but you get it is more how energy sent is energy returned.

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